Beranda Uncategorized Agenda Opening Conference

Agenda Opening Conference

  • 09.00 CEST/14.00 WIB: opening remarks (coordinator, chairman PCINU, KBRI)
  • 09.30 CEST/14.30 WIB: Keynote Speech ‘Reimagining Religion in Time of Crisis by Ulil Abshar Abdalla
  • 10.15 CEST/15.15 WIB: meet and greet
  • 10.30 CEST/15.30 WIB: Panel Presentations
    BREAKOUT ROOMS (chairpersons)
    1. Hurgronje and Islam in Indonesia
    2. Religion in socio-ecological and economic crisis
    3. Religion in politics and law
    Break (15 minutes)
  • 11.30 CEST/16.30 WIB: Panel Presentations
    BREAKOUT ROOMS (chairpersons)
    1. Reharmonizing religion in science, progress, and innovation
    2. Religion, gender, and women’s rights
    3. Millennials, pop culture, and the future of religion
  • 12.15 CEST/17.15 WIB: Closing remarks (PBNU) contextualizing crises in global Islam moderate movements by Yahya Cholil Staquf

The synopsis of the 6 sub-themes of Reimagining Religion in Time of Crisis can be found here.

Contact: [email protected]


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