Researching Provenance, Object biographies and Collectors

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Researching provenance refers to documenting the histories of changing ownerships, the means of transference, and the locations were a work of art is kept, from the time of its creation to the present day. It is a major task for museum curators. Its importance now catches up in the practice of finding the origin and gauging the conditions in which objects kept in Museums worldwide were acquired during the colonial period.
Should provenance research be part and parcel of decolonizing museums efforts? How so? How does provenance research relate to the study of the social life of objects and the politics of heritage formation within and beyond colonial state borders? What makes objects colonial? Starting from Museum objects originating from Indonesia.
Marieke Bloembergen and Klaas Stutje will shed lights on these questions and will discuss the findings of their research. Nusi L. Estudiantin and Hafnidar will focus on collecting histories in ‘Researching and Decolonizing FW Stammeshaus & Jaap Kunst in Indonesian Museums’. These two Dutchmen were avid art-collectors in Indonesia during the colonial time. Join us to find out more!

When: Tue, 16 March at 13.00 CET or 19.00 WIB
Hosted on zoom. Please register here