PCINU Belanda Peringati Hari Sumpah Pemuda 2024 di Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem
Arnhem, 27 Oktober 2024 – PCINU Belanda bersama organisasi-organisasi diaspora Indonesia di Belanda menyelenggarakan peringatan 96 tahun Sumpah Pemuda. Acara bertema “Sumpah Pemuda: Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Pilar Persatuan dan Fondasi Masa Depan Bangsa” ini digelar di Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem.…
LDBM PCINU Belanda bekerja sama dengan Womester dan Pena Salsabila menerbitkan buku “Belanda, Negeri Yang Islami?”
Amsterdam, 22 Juni 2024 – Pengurus Cabang Istimewa Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) Belanda dengan gembira menyambut terbitnya buku berjudul “Belanda, Negeri Yang Islami?” oleh M. Noor Harisudin, seorang guru besar di Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq (UIN KHAS)…
Run-down PCINU Belanda 3rd Biennial International Conference
Run-down PCINU Belanda 3rd Biennial International Conference “ Reimagining Religion and Values in time of (societal) crisis” Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Time Agenda Note 08:00 – 09:00 Reception and registration Foyer Aula…
Update: PCINU Belanda 3rd Biennial International (ONSITE) Conference
PCINU BELANDA 3rd BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: REIMAGINING RELIGION AND VALUES IN TIME OF (SOCIETAL) CRISIS ABOUT This conference is organized by the Special Branch of Nahdlatul Ulama for the Netherlands (PCI NU Belanda) in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit…
Agenda Opening Conference
09.00 CEST/14.00 WIB: opening remarks (coordinator, chairman PCINU, KBRI) 09.30 CEST/14.30 WIB: Keynote Speech ‘Reimagining Religion in Time of Crisis by Ulil Abshar Abdalla 10.15 CEST/15.15 WIB: meet and greet 10.30 CEST/15.30 WIB: Panel Presentations BREAKOUT ROOMS (chairpersons) 1.…
For the opening program of the conference and the acceptance abstract announcement click here. BACKGROUND Our contemporary language has seemed to have lost the dimension of imagination, leaving us impoverished and yearning for something more gratifying. What we…