Run-down PCINU Belanda 3rd Biennial International Conference

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PCINU Belanda 3rd Biennial International Conference

Reimagining Religion and Values in time of (societal) crisis”

Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


08:00 – 09:00Reception and registrationFoyer Aula
09:00 – 09:45Opening Ceremony speeches:

  • Introducing the programme by MC
  • Indonesian National Anthem
  • Jeroen Geurts – Rector Magnificus of Vrije University
  • Afnan Anshori, chairman of PCINU Belanda
  • HE. Mayerfas, the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands
09:45 – 10:00Keynote 1:

Vice president online speech


10:00 – 10:15 


10:15 – 12:00Lectures:

1.     HE Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Religious Affairs (MoRA) of the Republic of Indonesia. REPRESENTATIVE

Religious moderation

2.     Ruard Ganzevoort

Reimagining Religion

  1. Joram van Klaveren
    In times of Nothingness


Each speaker is given 30 minutes time slot. The Q & A will be done at 16:30 during the closing ceremony


12:00 – 13:30 


13:30 – 15:00Panel 1:

Bridging humanitarian crisis and religious moderation

Room: Agora 1

Convener: Ulil abshar abdalla (Unusia) & Laurens Bakker (UvA)

Panel 2:

Religion in socio-ecological and economic crisis

Room: Agora 2

Convener: Frans Wijsen (RU) & Diana Suhardiman (KITLV)

Panel 3:

Reharmonising religious values in science, progress and innovation

Room: Agora 4

Convener: Zainuddin (UIN Malang) & Pak Robert (UKDW)

15:00 – 15:15 


15:15 – 16:45Panel 4:

Religion, gender role and women’s Rights

Room: Agora 2

Convener: Anna Dijk (Fahm Insitute) & Ambar Sari Dewi (UIN Jogjakarta)


Panel 5:

Identity crisis: Nationalism, Global culture and the future of religion


Room: Aula

Convener: Ruard Ganzevoort (VU) & Nur Ichwan (UIN Jogjakarta)

Panel 6:

Decolonising religion: Hurgronje, Islam Indonesia and postcolonial incognizance

Room: Agora 4

Convener: Freek Colombijn (VU) & Yus Sa’diyah (PCINU Belanda)

16:45 – 17:15Lecture & closing remarks:

  • Ulil abshar abdalla (Unusia).
Room: Aula
17:15 – 17:45Questions and Answers with Frans Wijsen (Radboud University)Room: Aula

All speakers will be invited to come to the stage, including the speakers from the morning session

17:45-18:00Announcements. Halal centre soft-launching
18:00Borrel (drinks)
1 June-14 June 2022The exhibition ‘The Traversing of Islam Nusantara in The NetherlandsFoyer Aula


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Further information regarding this series of activities can be accessed from the conference’s website and the contact persons as follows:

  • Email:
  • Social Media: @nubelanda
  • Contact person(s): Dawam Multazam (WA +62 852-3095-0123) and Zaimatus Sa’diyah (WA +31 6 12492897)

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