Beranda Decolonizing Museums talk part III

    Decolonizing Museums talk part III

    24 November, 2020 @ 10:00 – 12:15

    The conqueror, the hero and the wickedness of the colonial figures

    The past few months, we have seen heated debates about the fate of statues of or monuments to contested historical colonial figures. Edward Colston in Bristol, King Leopold in Belgium, Robert E. Lee in the US. Why were these figures immortalised in the public space in the first place? Why does the removal take place now? Does our acceptance of the historical figures change over time?
    In this ‘decolonizing museums’ talk part III, we will focus on the legacy and future, as well as the representation of the historical figures in public space and history books.
    Join us to discuss Jan Pieterszoon Coen with *Ad Geerdink* (director of West fries museum), E. Douwes Dekker with *Bonnie Triyana* (initiator of Mutatuli museum, Lebak) and Cornelis Chastelein with *Alqiz Lukman* (researcher on Depok Lama). Moderated by Linawati Sidarto (Freelance journalist).
    When: *Tue, 24 Nov at 10.00 CET or 16.00 WIB*
    Hosted on zoom. Please register here:


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